This project came about due to the fact that I wanted to install
a video screen in the back of the hatch for events. I didn't want to use any of the space in the hatch due to functionality.
the only way to do this,was to create fiberglass pieces that fit on to the original plastic pieces in the hatch. the
only video monitor I had wasn't the kind that just attaches to any surface, it has a seperate circuit board,control panel,and
monitor. therefore all the pieces had to be fitted in place. here are some pictues of the project.
click on any of the pictures
for full size image
mixing resin,it had to be mixed in large quantities
and used quickly. this project took over two gallons of resin
the pictures above show the piece in various stages,the
mold was made from
an original panel.
the aluminum piece for the control panel being filled
the pictures above show the monitor in various stages
of being installed
the assembly being fitted for trimming in the hatch,before
the finished part,it's composed of three pieces,the main piece with the screen,the
filler piece above the door,and the door itself. they are all made from fiberglass mat and covered in black tweed.
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