new shifter project, this involved removing the factory shift assembly, this alone took almost eight hours
of work, cutting off the factory shift lever about four inches from the top, milling a slot in it, fitting a piece of steel
into the slot, hammering the two halves down over it,and welding it up. after it was welded, the corners were ground
off, and it was drilled and reamed for my custom aluminum shift handle. this was made more difficult by the fact it had a
rubber center counter weight on the shift arm already. had to be very careful to avoid melting it.
this is the arm itself, this is machined from a solid piece of round bar stock aircraft aluminum. i'm waiting
on a goofy cue ball to use as a shift knob at the moment.
shift arm |
keeping a wet rag on the counterweight to keep it from melting while the steel cooled
keeping the counterweight from melting |
finished arm assembly, I used AN bolts to hold the two pieces together. this moves the shifter up
and towards me, also gives it a classic custom look.
finished shift assembly |
arm is mounted for the time being to check fitment, the console or boot isn't in at the
the aluminum boot bezel i had made for the old shift arm wouldn't work with this
arm,so i had to engineer a new one. couple of videos making the part.
boring the hole to rough size |
knurling the bezel |
started with a once inch piece of round aluminum bar stock, faced the ends,center drilled and bored
to rough size,then used a boring tool to go to the exact size. it was then knurled. it goes in the shift boot ,once it's turned
inside out, it gets secured with a wire tie, then the boot gets turned right side out.
all this mess to make one small part |
finished trim bezel |
it's in mocked up right now,without the shift knob of course.
Here are a few pctures of under the hood, I'm mocking up the Su project at the moment,as well as running AN lines
for fuel,oil,coolant and vaccume. the aircleaners are made and on the carbs, just a million little things to do.